[Hac-announce] info on Robert T. Pennock

frank defina francescode at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 3 12:57:25 EDT 2009

Dear Manny,


Manythanks for the info. on the talk at Qunnipiac!  I will attend, and I hope to see you there. I am reading the the " Audacity " of Hope,' and enjoying it & I "hope" Barak doesn't ( to paraphrase from a recent Harper's,or Atlantic article),turn out to be a " Barak Hoover Obama !", and the present immoral, amoral, " full press' by the " reactionary forces in our country, will test his "hope," as well as his " resolve " to confront them, and get a decent Helath Care package, which Germany has had since l878, and the European counries have had since W. W. II !


Our next book , I " hope" should be about " Citizen Organizations," or what we laymen can do, about  pressuring  our Congressmen and Senators to start representing us, the people, so they can be not only"of the people,but by and  for the  people ." As Ma Ferguson ( a Kansas or Nebraskan, turn of the century, Poplulist),  said, " We need to raise less corn, but more hell !"  Thanks, again, for your many good emails !


Frank DeFina

(203) 507 - 2272


Date: Wed, 2 Sep 2009 22:09:57 -0400
From: manny at ratafias.com
To: hac-announce at cthumanist.org
Subject: [Hac-announce] info on Robert T. Pennock

Pennock, who will speak at Quinnipiac University Law School tomorrow at 7PM, looks like a very interesting person. See:

-------- Original Message -------- 

[Hac-announce] [Fwd: Robert T. Pennock at Quinnipiac University 9/3]

Mon, 17 Aug 2009 09:55:58 -0400

Richard Siddall <richard.siddall at elirion.net>

hac-announce at cthumanist.org

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Robert T. Pennock at Quinnipiac University 9/3
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 2009 11:52:03 -0700
From: Glenn Branch <branch at ncseweb.org>
To: Glenn Branch <branch at ncseweb.org>

Dear Connecticut friends of NCSE,

I thought that you might like to know that Robert T. Pennock will be
speaking on "Design by Darwin: How Digital Evolution Is Extending the
Darwinian Revolution" at 7:00 p.m. on September 3, in the Grand
Courtroom in the School of Law Center at Quinnipiac University in
Hamden. His lecture is the 25th annual Alfred P. Stiernotte Lecture in
Philosophy. The event is free and open to the public.

A professor of philosophy at Michigan State University and a member of
NCSE, Pennock testified for the plaintiffs in Kitzmiller v. Dover, the
2005 case establishing the unconstitutionality of teaching
"intelligent design" in the public schools. He is the author of Tower
of Babel (MIT Press, 1999), the editor of Intelligent Design
Creationism and its Critics (MIT Press, 2001), and the coeditor of But
Is It Science? (Prometheus, 2009).

For further details, visit:

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