[Hac-announce] Special showing of film "Inside Mecca"

David E Schafer deschafer at comcast.net
Thu Oct 20 23:47:22 EDT 2011

As June announced at Monday's meeting, we're giving a special showing Friday 
evening (October 22) at 6:30, together with the Adult Religious Education 
committee, of a beautifully filmed documentary by National Geographic 
entitled "Inside Mecca."  It is a detailed account of the drama and 
spectacle of the Hajj, the pilgrimage to Mecca, one of the "pillars" of 
Islam, mandatory for able Muslims and forbidden to non-Muslims.  I believe 
most of you will find it worth your time.

The event will be held in the Social Hall at USNH, 700 Hartford Turnpike, at 
6:30 pm (potluck dinner), with the showing to begin promptly at 7:00 pm, and 
a discussion to follow after the film.  You're all invited to attend.  We 
hope to see you.

David and June 

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