[Hac-announce] Fwd: Human Origins Talk 5:30 TODAY

Richard Siddall richard.siddall at elirion.net
Thu Mar 31 13:30:12 EDT 2016

Here's a Yale event you might like:

Thursday, March 31, 2016 5:30 PM, Kline Geology Building, Rm. 123  This 
building directly faces the parking lot north of the Peabody Museum, 
where the Museum lot is situated.  Further, the larger Yale lot north, 
of the museum lot should also be open to the public this late in the 
day.  Rm. KGL 123 should be the auditorium in the middle of the right 
side as you go in.

Open To: General Public
Admission: Free
Contact Information:
Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History

Our profuse apologies for not calling this event to the attention of the 
HAC much earlier!  It should dovetail quite nicely with Rebecca's 
planned event.

	Tom & Halina

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