[Hac-announce] Fwd: March 20 details

Richard Siddall richard.siddall at elirion.net
Sun Mar 18 14:19:08 EDT 2018

More information on testifying in support of Aid in Dying on Tuesday, 
March 20.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: March 20 details
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2018 13:10:57 -0400
From: stan.greenberg at cox.net


The logistics for the bill HB 5417 (end-of-life care = aid in dying) 
hearing on Tuesday March 20 are playing out differently than I expected. 
The March 20 2018 arrangement is entirely different than what happened 
in 2015 when the Judiciary Committee conducted a public hearing for the 
aid in dying bill. That hearing occupied a particular room all day long.

Now, here's how it will happen on Tuesday (only 2 days from now!).

(1) The PHC (Public Health Committee) will conduct consecutive public
hearings in room 2C for 17 bills, of which HB 5417 is no. 6 on the 
agenda (attached).

(2) Hearings will start at 11 AM.  Based on the position of HB 5417 on 
the agenda, it should be taken up sometime in the afternoon, but it's 
impossible to know when.

(3) To get a seat in room 2C, you should try to be there by around 9 AM.

(4) To speak (i.e., give oral testimony), you need to sign up by 7 AM. 
As I said, you can either bring 35 copies of your oral testimony for the 
PHC or submit it via email to phtestimony at cga.ct.gov
<mailto:phtestimony at cga.ct.gov>  beforehand.

(5) Testifiers will be allowed very little time to speak, around 3 
minutes. (Yes, that's a bit ridiculous.)

Tim Appleton (Compassion & Choices) asked me for a headcount, so I'd
appreciate hearing back from everyone who plans to be there and if you 
plan to speak.  The opposition unfailingly shows up in large numbers, 
and if you're a legislator, you notice which side of the issue has the 
most rabid support.

If you let me know that you'll be there on March 20, and if you need
directions, I'll provide them via an email reply.  Obviously we're 
almost out of time.  As I said, this whole thing came on rather 
suddenly, and the CGA didn't release details about this hearing until 
very recently.

Thanks all.

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