[Hac-announce] Public Hearings on Legalization Bills Tomorrow!!!! Please read

Aaron Romano ajromanoesq at gmail.com
Thu Mar 21 15:00:48 EDT 2019

Fellow Humanists,

Hearings on bills relating to legalization and regulation of cannabis in
Connecticut are scheduled to begin on Friday morning in two committees:
Judiciary and General Law.

These bills must be opposed since they do not ameliorate the past harms of
prohibition nor do they create a business friendly environment.  In fact,
they continue to criminalize possession of cannabis.  The bills are
designed to establish business licenses for the wealthy and continue to
incarcerate individuals for possession.  My opinion letter can be found

Rather than putting every aspect of cannabis legalization and regulation
into one bill, legislative leaders have decided to proceed with several
related bills dealing with different aspects of legalization and
regulation. Summaries of the legalization bill and other bills being heard
in the Judiciary Committee are here
and a summary of the regulation bill being heard by the General Law
Committee is here
(The bill dealing with taxation has not yet been introduced.)

Here is how the sign-up and testimony submission processes will work on
Friday in the Judiciary Committee <https://www.cga.ct.gov/jud/> (Room 2500):

Public speaker order will be determined by a lottery system. Lottery
numbers will be drawn from 8:30 A.M. to 9:30 A.M. in Room 2500 of the LOB.
Speakers arriving after the completion of the lottery will have their names
placed at the end of the speaker list. Please submit 50 copies of written
testimony to the Committee staff any time prior to, but not later than,
9:00 A.M. in Room 2500 of the LOB. Written testimony submitted by a
person(s) or organization(s) which exceeds five (5) single-sided pages per
bill or resolution will only be posted on the Judiciary Committee’s website
at the discretion of the Judiciary Committee chairs. Testimony received
after the designated time may not be distributed until after the hearing.
Please email written testimony in Word or PDF format to
JUDtestimony at cga.ct.gov. Testimony should clearly state testifier name and
related Bills. The Committee requests that testimony be limited to matters
related to the items on the Agenda. The first hour of the hearing is
reserved for Legislators, Constitutional Officers, State Agency Heads and
Chief Elected Municipal Officials. Speakers will be limited to three
minutes of testimony. The Committee encourages witnesses to submit a
written statement and to condense oral testimony to a summary of that
statement. Unofficial sign-up sheets have no standing with the Committee.
All public hearing testimony, written and spoken, is public information. As
such, it may be made available on the Judiciary Committee's website and
indexed by internet search engines.

Here is how the process will work in the General Law Committee
<https://www.cga.ct.gov/gl/> (Room 3500):

Sign-up for the hearing will begin at 8:00 A.M. in the First Floor Atrium
of the LOB. Please submit 35 copies of written testimony to the Committee
staff at 8:00 A.M. in the First Floor Atrium of the LOB. Testimony received
after the designated time may not be distributed until after the hearing.
Please email written testimony in Word or PDF format to
GLtestimony at cga.ct.gov. The Committee requests that testimony be limited to
matters related to the items on the Agenda. The first hour of the hearing
is reserved for Legislators, Constitutional Officers, State Agency Heads
and Chief Elected Municipal Officials. Speakers will be limited to three
minutes of testimony. The Committee encourages witnesses to submit a
written statement and to condense oral testimony to a summary of that
statement. Unofficial sign-up sheets have no standing with the Committee.
All public hearing testimony, written and spoken, is public information. As
such, it will be made available on the CGA website and indexed by internet
search engines.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. This is a great
opportunity for advocates to make a strong, favorable impression on
legislators, so let’s make the most of it!



P.S. If you haven’t already emailed your state legislators, please take a
minute to do so now

Aaron J Romano
Baron of Bloomfield
55 Woodland Avenue
Bloomfield, CT  06002-1811
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